Additional elements

There are several non-mandatory elements that can be supplied if extended functionality is desired.


This element is usually inserted first in a file, directly after the declaration of the root element. The meta element can contain printer mapping, mapping to a certain print favorite etc. Values are supplied as <val n="value name">...</val>. An index of valid values can be found in the Value reference guide.

Pre-notification by email

This service is declared as part of a standalone element <ufonline> nested under the shipment element. Values are supplied as <val n="value name">...>/val>. An index of valid values can be found in Value reference guide.


    <option optid="enot">
        <val n="sendemail">yes</val>
        <val n="from"></val>
        <val n="to"></val>
        <val n="message">Your package is on the way!</val>

The element must end with </ufonline>.

Link to Print

This service is declared as part of a standalone element <ufonline> nested under the shipment element. The declaration of the shipment element can also contain the attribute linkprintkey which is a unique value of any data type and length. This is used if it's desirable to know how the final link would look like. In this example, we will use aFg3rA as a key which would give us a link like this:<user-ID>&>job=aFg3rA&mode=normal

Due to the key being visible in the link, it is important that you do not use simple keys such as number sequence or similar. The recipient could change the link and print other recipient's shipping documents. Do not use empty spaces or underline characters in the link.

If linkprintkey is not supplied the system will automatically generate one.


    <option optid="lnkprtn">
        <val n="sendemail">yes</val>
        <val n="from"></val>
        <val n="to"></val>
        <val n="message">Here is the link to your shipping documents!</val>

Consolidated shipment

This service permits continuous printing of shipping labels while the EDI message is held until the shipment is closed. A typical use case is if you have multiple orders to a certain receiver during the day and you wish to consolidate these into one single shipment. This service is declared as part of a standalone element <ufonline> nested under the shipment element.


    <option optid="CONSOLIDATE">

The consolidated shipment service requires the mergeid attribute in shipment element tag.


<shipment orderno="Ordernummer_1" mergeid="MRG001">

Mergeid can be an alphanumeric value of your choice and should be unique for each shipment. Do not use empty spaces or underline characters. Consolidated shipments need to be closed, either manually in Unifaun Online or by supplying a closing XML file containing a control element directly under the root element.


        <val n="mergeid">MRG001</val>

Closing a consolidated shipment triggers waybill and eventual customs declaration documents printout to preset laser printer if no printer is specified in the <val n="printer"> tag.