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nShift Delivery Help Center


Print is how you manage print client applications, printers and print jobs on your nShift Delivery account.


The REST API endpoints are only accessible via HTTPS and are located at

Before getting started you need to know your developer ID and create an API key.

Fetch print clients


Fetches a list of all Print client applications. Returns only partial list using pagination parameters page and size, which provides a way to narrow down the Print client selection.

Fetch a print client

GET /print/clients/{clientId}

Fetches a specific Print client application, identified by client ID.

Fetch printers for a print client

GET /print/clients/{clientId}/printers

Fetches a list of all printers that are connected to a specific Print client application, identified by client ID. Returns only partial list using pagination parameters page and size.

Fetch printers


Fetches a list of all printers that are connected to any Print client application. Returns only partial list using pagination parameters page and size.

Fetch a printer


Fetches printer details for a printer, identified by printer ID, that is connected to a Print client.

Fetch print jobs


Fetches a list of all print jobs sent to any Print client, possibly filtered by date and/or status. Returns only partial list using pagination parameters page and size.

Fetch a print job


Fetches a specific print job that has been sent to a Print client, using print job ID.

Send a shipment print job to a printer


Sends print job for a shipment to any connected printer using shipment ID and print ID as identifiers. Returns the resulting print job.

Send a shipment list print job to a printer


Sends a print job for a shipment list to any connected printer using manifest ID and print ID as identifiers. Returns the resulting print job.

Send a consolidated shipment print job to a printer


Sends a print job for a consolidated shipment to any connected printer using consolidated shipment ID and print ID as identifiers. Returns the resulting print job.


For schema and testing, please refer to

For description of properties, please refer to the Property reference guide.