Value reference guide - XML
The value reference guide provides definitions and valid values for XML elements.
Declared as <meta>
under the root element <data>
Value name | Description | Type | Value |
<val n="printer"> | Sends the print job to defined name of printer mapping. | string | |
<val n="printjobnamelabel"> | Defines print jobs of document type "Label". | string | Default value: "Labels" |
<val n="printjobnamewaybill"> | Defines print jobs of document type "Waybill". | string | Default value: "Waybills" |
<val n="printjobnamecustoms"> | Defines print jobs of document type "Documents", that is, customs documents, dangerous goods declarations etc. | string | Default value: “Documents”. |
<val n="favorite"> | Defines the print favorite in nShift Delivery which is used to auto-complete the order file if necessary. | string | |
<val n="autoprint"> | Determines if the order file is to be sent directly to the print queue. If using XML-posting this can only be used with Link to Print, not to print physical labels. | boolean | YES, NO |
<val n="test"> | Used for order file testing. Prints out TEST on label and disables EDI forwarding. NOTE: Does not disable pre-notification if generated. | boolean | YES, NO |
<val n="partition"> | Defines the profile group where the shipment should be stored in nShift Delivery. | string | |
<val n="developerid"> | User ID of the account creating the shipment. Normally used by partners when posting data on behalf of others. | string |
Declared as <sender sndid="...">
under the root element <data>
Value name | Description | Type | Value |
<val n="name"> | Name | string | |
<val n="address1"> | Address line 1 | string | |
<val n="address2"> | Address line 2 | string | |
<val n="housenumber"> | House number. Usage depends on carrier. | string | |
<val n="addition"> | Addition to house number, such as a letter. Usage depends on carrier. | string | |
<val n="zipcode"> | Postal code | string | |
<val n="city"> | City | string | |
<val n="country"> | Country | string | |
<val n="contact"> | Contact person | string | |
<val n="phone"> | Contact person phone number | string | |
<val n="email"> | Contact person email address | string | |
<val n="sms"> | Contact person mobile phone number | string | |
<val n="orgno"> | Organization number (Sweden only) | string | |
<val n="vatno"> | VAT no | string | |
<partner parid="..."> | Attribute parid corresponds to carrier's ID. See the > > Services menu in nShift Delivery | string | |
<val n="custno"> | Customer number | string | |
<val n="sourcecode"> | Usage depends on carrier, specified by carrier | string | |
<val n="custno_international"> | Customer number for international services | string | |
<val n="ediaddress"> | EDI-address | string | |
<val n="palletregno"> | Pallet reg. number for EUR-pallets | string | |
<val n="terminal"> | Carrier departure terminal | string | |
<val n="paymentmethod"> | Payment method for certain mail services. | string | INVO = Credit without delivery note INVODN = Credit with delivery note METERED = Domestic franking |
<val n="bookingid"> | Booking ID-number | string | |
<val n="bookingoffice"> | Booking office | string | |
<val n="custnoissuercode"> | Customer number issuer | string | |
<val n="eorino"> | EORI number (DHL Express only) | string |
Declared as <receiver rcvid="...">
under the root element <data>
Value name | Description | Type | Value |
<val n="name"> | Name | string | |
<val n="address1"> | Address line 1 | string | |
<val n="address2"> | Address line 2 | string | |
<val n="housenumber"> | House number. Usage depends on carrier. | string | |
<val n="addition"> | Addition to house number, such as a letter. Usage depends on carrier. | string | |
<val n="zipcode"> | Postal code | string | |
<val n="city"> | City | string | |
<val n="state"> | State/region | string | |
<val n="country"> | Country | string | |
<val n="contact"> | Contact person | string | |
<val n="phone"> | Contact person phone number | string | |
<val n="email"> | Contact person email address | string | |
<val n="sms"> | Contact person mobile phone number | string | |
<val n="doorcode"> | Door code | string | |
<val n="orgno"> | Organization number (Sweden only) | string | |
<val n="vatno"> | VAT no | string | |
<partner parid="..."> | Attribute parid corresponds to carrier's ID. See the > > Services menu in nShift Delivery | string | |
<val n="custno"> | Customer number | string | |
<val n="palletregno"> | Pallet reg. number for EUR-pallets | string | |
<val n="terminal"> | Carrier departure terminal | string | |
<val n="agentno"> | Agent ID. | string | |
<val n="custnoissuercode"> | Customer number issuer | string | |
<val n="eorino"> | EORI number (DHL Express only) | string |
Declared as <party ptyid="...">
under the root element <data>
Value name | Description | Type | Value |
<val n="name"> | Name | string | |
<val n="address1"> | Address line 1 | string | |
<val n="address2"> | Address line 2 | string | |
<val n="zipcode"> | Postal code | string | |
<val n="city"> | City | string | |
<val n="country"> | Country | string | |
<val n="contact"> | Contact person | string | |
<val n="phone"> | Contact person phone number | string | |
<val n="email"> | Contact person email address | string | |
<val n="sms"> | Contact person mobile phone number | string | |
<val n="doorcode"> | Door code | string | |
<val n="orgno"> | Organization number (Sweden only) | string | |
<val n="vatno"> | VAT no | string | |
<partner parid="..."> | Attribute parid corresponds to carrier's ID. See the > > Services menu in nShift Delivery | string | |
<val n="custno"> | Customer number | string | |
<val n="palletregno"> | Pallet reg. number for EUR-pallets | string | |
<val n="terminal"> | Carrier departure terminal | string | |
<val n="agentno"> | Agent ID | string | |
<val n="custnoissuercode"> | Customer number issuer | string |
Declared as <shipment orderno="...">
under the root element <data>
Value name | Description | Type | Value |
<val n="from"> | Defines the sender. Refers to the sndid value for sender. | string | |
<val n="legalfrom"> | Defines the legal sender (not printed on shipping documents by default) | string | |
<val n="to"> | Defines the receiver. Refers to rcvid value for receiver. | string | |
<val n="returnto"> | Return address | string | |
<val n="legalto"> | Defines the legal receiver (not printed on shippings documents by default) | string | |
<val n="agentto"> | Agent ID for recipient in shipment, that is, ID of pickup location. | string | |
<val n="customsfrom"> | Exporter | string | |
<val n="customsto"> | Importer | string | |
<val n="shpid"> | Shipment ID. Normally assigned by nShift Delivery | string | |
<val n="freetext1"> | Free text field. Can be used for delivery instructions, for example. Printed on shipping documents. 4 lines available, freetext1-4. Max. 30 characters/line. | string | |
<val n="eurpallets"> | Number of EUR pallets in the shipment. Requires palletregno for sender and receiver. | string | |
<val n="halfpallets"> | Number of half pallets in the shipment (pallet exchange) | string | |
<val n="quarterpallets"> | Number of quarter pallets in the shipment (pallet exchange) | string | |
<val n="reference"> | Shipment reference. Max. 17 characters. | string | |
<val n="referencebarcode"> | Shipment reference as barcode. Max. 17 numeric characters. Availability may vary depending on service. | string | |
<val n="rcvreference"> | Receiver's reference. Max. 17 characters. | string | |
<val n="goodsdescription"> | Description of shipment contents. | string | |
<val n="sisfreetext1"> | Free text field. Can be used for delivery instructions, for example. Printed on shipping documents. 5 lines available, sisfreetext1-5. Max. 30 characters/line. | string | |
<val n"cmrfreetext1"> | Free text field. Can be used for delivery instructions, for example. Printed on CMR waybill only. 5 lines available, cmrfreetext1-5. Max. 30 characters/line. | string | |
<val n="cmrdocuments1"> | Fields for additional documents. 2 lines available, cmrdocuments1-2. Max. 30 characters/line. | string | |
<val n="cmrspecialagreement"> | Specifies any special agreement. Max. 30 characters. | string | |
<val n="waybillcondition"> | Defines condition for the waybill. Max. 30 characters. | string | |
<"val n="bulkid"> | ID for PostNord waybills. | string | |
<val n="termcode"> | Delivery terms or freight payer information. See the Service (ERP-connection XML) or Terms - UPS in nShift Delivery. > Code lists | string | |
<val n="termlocation"> | Defines the location where takeover for the specified delivery term is done. | string | |
<val n="printset"> | Defines which documents to print. Pipe characters are mandatory. | string | |label| = Label only |sis| = Waybill only |*| = None |
<val n="shipdate"> | Shipment date, supplied as YYYY-MM-DD. Printed on certain shipping documents. The default value is the current date. Please note that EDI is sent on this date. | string | |
<val n="deliverydate"> | Delivery date, supplied as YYYY-MM-DD. | string | |
<val n="deliverytimeearliest"> | The earliest delivery time, supplied as HH:MM. | string | |
<val n="deliverytimelatest"> | The latest delivery time, supplied as HH:MM | string | |
<val n="deliveryinstruction"> | Delivery instructions | string | |
<val n="customlabeltext1"> | Text on customized label layouts | string | |
val n="customlabeltext2" | Text on customized label layouts | string | |
val n="customlabeltext3" | Text on customized label layouts | string | |
val n="customlabeltext4" | Text on customized label layouts | string | |
val n="customlabeltext5" | Text on customized label layouts | string | |
val n="customlabeltext6" | Text on customized label layouts | string | |
<val n="customsunit"> | Customs currency code | string | |
<val n="flags"> | Special address formatting | string | |3plformat| = Prints out sender’s address (legalfrom) instead of pickup address (from) on label/shipping documents. |
<val n="pdfinsert"> | Specifies PDF filename that is to be used for OneDoc (integrated document) feature. | string | |
<val n="route"> | Defines internal route code for the shipment | string | |
<val n="unitcode"> | Unit code. Only given if instructed by carrier. | string | |
<val n="payerfreight"> | Defines other freight payer. Refers to the ptyid value for freight payer. | string |
Declared as <service srvid="...">
under the <shipment>
element. For available services, see > > Services in nShift Delivery.
Value name | Description | Type | Value |
<val n="returnlabel"> | Defines if the shipment is a return shipment or not | boolean | YES, NO, BOTH |
<val n="nondelivery"> | Defines action when the package is undeliverable | string | RETURN = Return to sender ABANDON = Treat as abandoned in receiver's country |
<val n="slac"> | Defines Shipper's Load and Count (SLAC) = total shipment pieces (for example, 3 boxes and 3 pallets of 100 pieces each = SLAC of 303). | string | YES, NO |
<val n="bookingid"> | Defines booking ID/booking number | string | YES, NO |
<val n="waybillinvoice"> | Defines number of invoices | string | |
<val n="waybilleurcertificate"> | Defines number of EUR-certificates | string | |
<val n="waybillexportnotification"> | Defines number of export notifications | string | |
<val n="waybillincludedinbulk"> | Defines if waybill is included in bulk. | boolean | YES, NO |
<val n="sortpos"> | Receiving hub | string |
Declared as <service srvid="...">
under the <shipment>
element. For available services, see > > Services in nShift Delivery.
Value name | Description | Type | Value |
<val n="amount"> | Amount. Used with Cash On Delivery addon. | string | |
<val n="custno"> | Customer number for carrier. Used primarily with RPAY (receiver pays) and OPAY (other payer) addons. | string | |
<val n="reference"> | Payment reference. Used with Cash On Delivery addon | string | |
<val n="referencetype"> | Reference type. | string | TXT = Text OCR = OCR number |
<val n="misc"> | Defines value for misctype | string | |
<val n="misctype"> | Sets notification mode for Notification addon. See > > Service codes - Integration menu in nShift Delivery . | string | |
<val n="account"> | Account number. Used with Cash On Delivery addon. | string | |
<val n="accounttype"> | Account type. Used with Cash On Delivery addon. | string | PGTXT = PlusGiro (Text reference) PGOCR = PlusGiro (OCR reference) BGTXT = BankGiro (Text reference) BGOCR = BankGiro (OCR reference) ACCDKOCR = Account Denmark (OCR reference) ACCDKTXT = Account Denmark (Text reference) ACCSETXT = Account Sweden (Text reference) AVISETXT = Avi account Sweden (Text reference) ACCFI = Account Finland ACCFO = Account Faroe Islands ACCIS = Account Iceland ACCNO = Account Norway (Text reference) ACCNOOCR = Account Norway (OCR reference) ACCPL = Account Poland ACCDE = Account Germany ACCAX = Account Åland Islands Konto = Offshore account |
<val n="text1"> | Defines value for misctype. See > > Service codes - Integration menu in nShift Delivery . | string | |
<val n="text2"> | Defines value for misctype. See > > Service codes - Integration menu in nShift Delivery . | string | |
<val n="text3"> | Defines value for misctype. See > > Service codes - Integration menu in nShift Delivery . | string | |
<val n="text4"> | Defines value for misctype. See > > Service codes - Integration menu in nShift Delivery . | string | |
<val n="bank"> | Bank ID. | string | |
<val n="tempmax"> | Maximum temperature allowed. | string | |
<val n="tempmin"> | Minimum temperature allowed. | string |
Declared as <booking>
under the <service>
element. Used when booking of pickup should be done in conjunction with printing.
Value name | Description | Type | Value |
<val n="pickupbooking"> | Perform booking | boolean | YES, NO |
<val n="pickupdate"> | Pickup date. Supplied as YYYY-MM-DD. | string | |
<val n="pickuptimefrom"> | Earliest pickup time. Supplied as HH:MM | string | |
<val n="pickuptimeto"> | Latest pickup time. Supplied as HH:MM | string | |
<val n="pickuptext1"> | Pickup instructions | string | |
<valn ="pickupmisc"> | Defines where to send pickup confirmation. Only email can be supplied at this time. Must be supported by carrier. | string |
Declared as <container type="...">
under the <shipment>
element. See section Container in Shipment for attribute value explanation.
Value name | Description | Type | Value |
<val n="copies"> | Number of parcels | integer | |
<val n="prcid1"> | Parcel ID | string | |
<val n="marking"> | Goods marking | string | |
<val n="packagecode"> | Package code. See Package codes menu in nShift Delivery.. > > | string | |
<val n="weight"> | Weight | float | |
<val n="volume"> | Volume | float | |
<val n="area"> | Load meter. Must be placed in a separate container node as | float | |
<val n="length"> | Length | float | |
<val n="width"> | Width | float | |
<val n="height"> | Height | float | |
<val n="itemno"> | Item number | string | |
<val n="contents"> | Contents | string | |
<val n="dnguncode"> | UN-number for ADR. | string | |
<val n="dnghzcode"> | Label number for ADR (subsidiary risk) | string | |
<val n="dngpkcode"> | Packaging group. | string | I, II, III |
<val n="dngadrclass"> | ADR-class (main class) | string | |
<val n="dngdescr"> | Official transport name for item regarding ADR (proper shipping name) | string | |
<val n="dngtechnicaldescr"> | Technical description | string | |
<val n="dngmpcode"> | Defines if the contents contaminate the marine environment. | string | 1 = Toxic 2 = Non-toxic |
<val n="dngnote"> | Note for ADR | string | |
<val n="dngnetweight"> | Net weight for ADR goods class I or brutto for Limited Quantities | string | |
<val n="dngnetvolume"> | Net volume for ADR goods | string | |
<val n="dngtrcode"> | Tunnel restriction code | string | |
<val n="dngpktype"> | ADR package type | string | |
<val n="dngquantity"> | Quantity of package type | string | |
<val n="dnglimitedquantities"> | Defines if the parcel row contains limited quantities of dangerous goods | boolean | YES, NO |
<val n="pallet"> | Sets amount of pallets. Must be placed in a separate container node as | string | |
<val n="piece"> | Sets amount of pieces. Must be placed in a separate container node as | string |
Declared as <article>
under the <container>
Value name | Description | Type | Value |
<val n="articleno"> | Item number | string | |
<val n="name"> | Item name | string | |
<val n="count"> | Number of items | integer | |
<val n="enot"> | Defines whether the item information should be shown in a pre-notification email message. | boolean | YES, NO |
<val n="price"> | Price | float | |
<val n="currency"> | Currency code | string | |
<val n="taxrate"> | Tax rate applied to the item. | double | Use the unit percentage (%). |
<val n="discountrate"> | Discount rate applied to the item. | double | Use the unit percentage (%). |
<val n="weight"> | Weight | float | |
<val n="volume"> | Volume | float | |
<val n="contents"> | Contents | string | |
<val n="marking" | Goods marking. Only used by goods services. | string | |
<val n="packagecode"> | Package code. See Package codes menu in nShift Delivery.. > > | string | |
<val n="dnguncode"> | UN-number for ADR. | string | |
<val n="dnghzcode"> | Label number for ADR (subsidiary risk) | string | |
<val n="dngpkcode"> | Packaging group. | string | I, II, III |
<val n="dngadrclass"> | ADR-class (main class) | string | |
<val n="dngdescr"> | Official transport name for item regarding ADR (proper shipping name) | string | |
<val n="dngtechnicaldescr"> | Technical description | string | |
<val n="dngmpcode"> | Defines if the contents contaminate the marine environment. | string | 1 = Toxic 2 = Non-toxic |
<val n="dngnote"> | Note for ADR | string | |
<val n="dngnetweight"> | Net weight for ADR goods class I or brutto for Limited Quantities. | string | |
<val n="dngtrcode"> | Tunnel restriction code | string | |
<val n="dngpktype"> | ADR package type | string | |
<val n="dngquantity"> | Quantity of package type | string | |
<val n="dnglimitedquantities"> | Defines if the parcel row contains limited quantities of dangerous goods | boolean | YES, NO |
<val n="dngflashpoint"> | Flash point | string | |
<val n="dngseparation"> | Separation | string |
Customs data
Declared as <customsdata>
under the <article>
Value | Description | Type | Value |
<val n="statno"> | Statistic number/TARIC code/Commodity code | string | |
<val n="substatno1"> | Commodity code, sub. code | string | |
<val n="units"> | Unit/package type | string | |
<val n="otherquantity"> | Other quantity. | double | |
<val n="customsvalue"> | Customs value | float | |
<val n="contents"> | Contents | string | |
<val n="netweight"> | Net weight (kg) | float | |
<val n="sourcecountry"> | Country of origin | string |
Options are declared under parent <ufonline>
element nested in the <shipment>
Email pre-notification
Declared as <option optid="enot">
under the <ufonline>
Value name | Description | Type | Value |
<val n="from"> | Sender of email message | string | |
<val n="to"> | Recipient | string | |
<val n="cc"> | Recipient of message copy | string | |
<val n="bcc"> | Recipient of message blind copy | string | |
<val n="errorto"> | Recipient of error message in case of non-delivery | string | |
<val n="message"> | Text in the email message. Use pipe character (|) for line breaks. | string | |
<val n="mailtemplate"> | Mail template. Used for branded pre-notification email | string |
Link to print
Declared as <option optid="lnkprtn">
(normal) or <option optid="lnkprtr"
(return) under the <ufonline>
Value | Description | Type | Value |
<val n="sendemail"> | Send email message containing the link | boolean | YES, NO |
<val n="from"> | Sender of email message | string | |
<val n="to"> | Recipient | string | |
<val n="cc"> | Recipient of message copy | string | |
<val n="bcc"> | Recipient of message blind copy | string | |
<val n="message"> | Text in the email message. Use pipe character (|) for line breaks. | string |
Consolidated shipment
Declared as <option optid="consolidate">
under the <ufonline>
Customs declaration documents
Declared as <customsdeclaration documents="...">
under the shipment
Value name | Description | Type | Value |
<val n="invoicetype"> | Invoice type. STANDARD is default. | string | PROFORMA = Proforma STANDARD = Commercial invoice |
<val n="senderorgno"> | Sender's organization number (Sweden only) (2) | string | |
<val n="receiverorgno"> | Receiver's organization number (Sweden only) (8) | string | |
<val n="senderphone"> | Sender's phone number | string | |
<val n="receiverphone"> | Receiver's phone number | string | |
<val n="sendereorino"> | Sender's EORI number (DHL Express only) | string | |
<val n="receivereorino"> | Receiver's EORI number (DHL Express only) | string | |
<val n="sendercustno"> | Sender's customer number (PostNord only) | string | |
<val n="receivercustno"> | Receiver's customer number (PostNord only) | string | |
<val n="parcelcount"> | Parcel count (6) | string | |
<val n="reference"> | Reference number (7) | string | |
<val n="sourcecountry"> | Country of origin (16) | string | |
<val n="destcountry"> | Destination country (17) | string | |
<val n="shipcodeborder"> | Means of transport at the border (25) | string | SEA, RAIL, ROAD, AIR, POST or FIXED = Fixed transport WATER = Water transport on inner waterways OWN = Own propulsion |
<val n="shipcodedomestic"> | Means of transport (domestic) (26) | string | SEA, RAIL, ROAD, AIR, POST or FIXED = Fixed transport WATER = Water transport on inner waterways OWN = Own propulsion |
<val n="finance1"> | Financial information. 2 lines available, finance1-2 (28). | string | |
<val n="declcity"> | City (54) | string | |
<val n="decldate"> | Date (54) | string | |
<val n="edocnormal"> | True if normal export procedure, false if commercial item list is attached | boolean | YES, NO |
<val n="repr1"> | Declarant's/agent's representative. 2 lines available, repr1-2. (14) | string | |
<val n="reprorgno"> | Declarant's / agent's organization number (14) | string | |
<val n="invoiceno"> | Invoice number | string | |
<val n="freightcharges"> | Freight charges | string | |
<val n="vatcharges"> | VAT charges | string | |
<val n="insurancecharges"> | Insurance charges | string | |
<val n="othercharges"> | Other charges | string | |
<val n="explicenseno"> | Export license number | string | |
<val n="expdecl1"> | Export declaration. Default:"I declare that of the best of my knowledge the information on this invoice is" | string | |
<val n="expdecl2"> | Export declaration. Default: "true and correct." | string | |
<val n="generalnotes1"> | General description of the contents. 4 lines available, generalnotes1-4. | string | |
<val n="supervisor"> | Invoice supervisor | string | |
<val n="jobtitle"> | Invoice supervisor's job title | string | |
<val n="customsunit"> | Customs currency unit | string | |
<val n="impexptype"> | Import/export type | string | TEMPORARY = Temporary REEXPORT = Re-export GIFT = Gift DOCUMENTS = Documents SAMPLE = Sample RETURN = Return OTHER = Other, requires the explanation value PERMANENT = Permanent INTERNAL = Internal |
<val n="invoicedecl1"> | Invoice declaration. Default: "The exporter of the products covered by this document declares that, except" | string | |
<val n="invoicedecl2"> | Invoice declaration. Default: "where otherwise clearly indicated, these products are of EU preferential origin." | string | |
<val n="implicenseno"> | Import license number | string | |
<val n="certificate"> | Certificate | string | |
<val n="explanation"> | Explanation. Only use if impexptype is set to OTHER | string | |
<val n="comment1"> | 4 lines available, comment1-4. | string | |
<val n="termcode"> | Delivery terms | string | |
<val n=”termsofpayment”> | Terms of payment | string |
Customs declaration lines
Declared as <line>
under the <customsdeclaration
Value | Description | Type | Value |
<val n="statno"> | HS Tariff code (stat no) (33) | string | |
<val n="substatno1"> | Additional codes. 2 lines available, substatno1-2. (33) | string | |
<val n="procedure"> | Procedure (37) | string | |
<val n="grossweight"> | Gross weight (kg) | string | |
<val n="statvalue"> | Stat value | string | |
<val n="goodsmark1"> | Goods marking. 6 fields available, goodsmark1-6. (31) | string | |
<val n="specinfo1"> | Special information. 4 fields available, specinfo1-4. (44) | string | |
<val n="contents"> | Contents/item name | string | |
<val n="quantity"> | Quantity, concerns number of units, for example, 1 box. Default value is 1. | string | |
<val n="netweight"> | Net weight (kg) (38) | string | |
<val n="customsvalue"> | Customs value (46) | string | |
<val n="sourcecountry"> | Country of origin, supplied as ISO country code. (34) | string | |
<val n="units"> | Unit/packaging type. Can vary depending on carrier. | string | GRAM = Gram M2 = Meters squared LITER = Litre PAIR = Pair PIECE = Piece CRATE = Crate |
<val n="otherquantity"> | Other quantity/unit, for example, 30. The unit is set by statno, for example, piece. | string |