Create and share a guest access

  1. Go to History > Shipments.

  2. Enter search values. The search result of the selection you make is what you will share with your guest. Change the selection to narrow down or expand the information.

  3. Click Create guest access.

  4. If the access should be valid for a limited time, enter the expiration date in the field Valid to.


    When a guest access is created, you can test it by clicking the link. A new window will open and you have logged in to Unifaun Online as your guest.

  5. If you want to send the link to your guest, fill in the email information, or copy the link and save it for later.


    Create a guest access and send it to yourself to see how it works.

Go to Maintenance > Guest access if you want to show, edit or delete a guest access.


You can only edit name and validity time. If you want other selection criteria you have to create a new guest access.