Branded email pre-notification


With branded email pre-notification you create templates for the notifications that are sent to your customers.

A template can contain, for example, your company's logo, an offer or an ad.

  1. Go to Maintenance > Notification templates.

  2. Click New email template.

  3. The Email sender name is the name, e.g. your company name, that will be visible for the receiver.

  4. You can upload two images, one as header and one as footer. The recommended image size is 930 x 150 pixels. Maximum file size is 100 kB.

  5. Select a Track & trace template if you want to link your email pre-notification template. Please refer to Branded track & trace.

  6. Click Finish to create the template.

Click Preview to see what the notification template looks like.



If you want to show, edit or delete an email template, use the search function.

A default pre-notification template can be set on account and profile group level.