
The account does not represent an individual. It is the account for a company or an organization, with a user ID that should be used by all users.

The user ID is a 10-digit combination.

Change settings

  1. Go to Maintenance > My account.

  2. Click Settings.

  3. Click Change in the section where you want to make the changes.

The settings are inherited by all profile groups and profiles as the account is at the highest level.

Change contact information

  1. Go to Maintenance > My account.

  2. Click Change address.

  3. Enter your name and email address in the Buyer section and make the changes.

  4. Click Order.


It is very important that the contact information is up to date.

Change personal data storage time

  1. Go to Maintenance > My account.

  2. Click Integrity settings.

  3. Select anonymization time in the Automatic anonymization section.

By default personal data in your shipment history will be removed after five (5) years.

Change administrator login permission

  1. Go to Maintenance > My account.

  2. Click Integrity settings.

  3. Uncheck the Allow administrator login box to prevent support staff from logging in to your account.