Prices is how you send price enquiries before booking a shipment and retrieve stored prices for follow-up.
The prices are based on your agreement with the carrier. Currently there is support for Bring, DB Schenker, DHL Express, DHL Freight, TNT and UPS.
The REST API endpoints are only accessible via HTTPS and are located at api.unifaun.com.
https://api.unifaun.com/rs-extapi/v1 |
Before getting started you need to know your developer ID and create an API key.
Fetch shipment price
Fetches price information about a shipment.
Fetch price for printed shipments
Fetches price information about a printed shipments.
For schema and testing, please refer to https://api.unifaun.com/rs-docs/.
For description of properties, please refer to the Property reference guide.
For information about some crucial objects, please refer to REST API Objects.