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nShift Delivery Help Center

Integration via API

Integration via API is a service provided by nShift making it easy to integrate your cloud-based ERP or WMS system with nShift Delivery resulting in simpler dispatch processing, safer transactions and significant time savings.

A REST API framework is used for communication, with JSON as data carrier offering a number of functions.


The REST API endpoints are only accessible via HTTPS and are located at

Before getting started you need to know your developer ID and create an API key.


  • /addresses

    Addresses is how you synchronize your address book with your cloud-based CRM or ERP system, letting you manage and update your address book in one place.

  • /shipments

    Shipments is how you create shipments and print shipment documents as PDF or ZPL files. The resource also has methods and endpoints for history follow-up and shipment deletion, that is, preventing sending EDI message to carrier.

  • /shipment-manifests

    Shipment-manifests is how you create and print shipment lists (also known as "Manifests", "End of day manifests", "Shipment manifests", etc.) as PDF files provided as a URL or a Base64 encoded file. The resource also has methods and endpoints for creating copies of previously printed shipment lists.

  • /stored-shipments

    Stored-shipments is how you store shipments that don't require immediate printing. Stored shipments can be printed either via the API or manually from the nShift Delivery interface.

  • /consolidated-shipments

    Consolidated-shipments is how you print shipment documents continuously while holding the EDI message.

  • /shipment-waybills

    Shipment-waybills is how you print waybills for bulk shipments, where available.

  • /print

    Print is how you manage print client applications, printers and print jobs on your nShift Delivery account.

  • /shipments-history

    Shipments-history is how you retrieve shipment history that goes back a maximum of six (6) months.

  • /prices

    Prices is how you send price enquiries before booking a shipment and retrieve stored prices for follow-up.

  • /alerts

    Alerts is how you automatically retrieve delivery related status events for shipments that have changed status since the last call.


For schema and testing, please refer to

For description of properties, please refer to the Property reference guide.

For information about some crucial objects, please refer to REST API Objects.