Extra data fields


You can add extra data fields to a new or existing delivery checkout.

  • Door code

  • Delivery instruction

  • Contact

  • Phone

  • Sms

  • Email

The extra data fields are not related to certain delivery options.

Add an extra data field

  1. Go to Maintenance > Delivery checkout.

  2. When creating a new delivery checkout you activate extra data fields on the New delivery checkout page.

    To activate extra data fields on an existing delivery checkout, click UO_Edit_icon_old.gif to the left of the delivery checkout on the Delivery checkout page.

  3. Click UO_Edit_icon_old.gif the left of a data field row in the Extra data fields section.

  4. Check the Mandatory box if it should be required for the consumer to supply the information.

    Check the Hidden box if the field should not be visible for the consumer. The information may be fetched from existing information and not necessary for the consumer to enter again.


    If you click OK when leaving an Extra data field page the data field is activated even if you have not entered any information.

You disable an extra data field by clicking UO_Delete_icon_old.gif to the left of the data field row.