Price review
Price review provides you with price information for shipments you've created. Prices are saved in the history and you can create price reports for statistical monitoring.
The price enquiry is made within 15 minutes after the shipment has been printed. The result is stored in the data base and you can follow up on price enquiries on the Shipment history page.
In the price report you will see the chargeable weight and the price returned from the price enquiry.
Create a price report
Go to
> .Enter search values to find the shipments you want to include.
Check the Price enquiry box if you want to include an additional charge to the results.
If you enter both amount and percentage, the amount is added first and then the percentage is calculated.
In the Presentation section, select the
Select "Price report" as Type and select Sort order.
to view the list in the GUI.Click
or to print the list/report directly.Click
to export the list/report to a text file or Microsoft Excel.
If you often use the same search values for your reports, you can create a search favorite.