Quick login
Quick login is used to simplify the login procedure to nShift Delivery . It can take you to the landing page or to a certain page in the system. Once logged in, the session is valid for 12 hours, meaning that you only need to supply your password once on an average business day.
News and important messages are displayed on the landing page.
URL structure
Base URL: https://www.unifaunonline.com /ext.uo .yy.QuickLogin
Replace yy with language code.
Language | Code |
Danish | dk |
English | gb |
Finnish | fi |
Norwegian | no |
Swedish | se |
The following parameters can be used in the URL.
Parameter | Description |
Login | Account user ID |
User | User profile |
MenuItem | Code for the menu item that is selected instead of the landing page. |
Shipments menu | |
ShipmentJobFavoriteDefault | Standard printing |
ShipmentJobFavorite | Printing favorites |
ShipmentWaybill | Waybills |
ShipmentJob | Stored printings |
ShipmentList | Shipment lists |
Booking | Shipment booking |
ShipmentJobFavoriteQuickItems | Printing favorite, requires MenuItemParam |
History menu | |
ShipmentHistory | Shipment history |
StoredSearchConditionQuickItems | Search favorite, requires MenuItemParam |
Webshop menu | |
Shop | nShift webshop |
Maintenance menu | |
Sender | Sender section in address book |
Receiver | Receiver section in address book |
Favorite | Printing favorites |
Article | Item directory |
Serial | Number series |
FreeService | Neutral carrier |
Visitor | Guest access |
CompanyInfo | My account |
Partition | Profile groups |
User | Profiles |
Role | Roles |
Reports | Reports |
MenuItemParam | Menu item ID, for example a printing favorite or search favorite. You find the ID in the ID column on pages where you edit or use your favorites. |
Key | This is a security feature that will protect the created session cookie as the key value acts as a password. It’s recommended to set a 6-18 long string of [a-z, A-Z, 0-9] that includes the current date or time. Example: SsXt20190903 or SsXt1057. |
Example 1:
https://www.unifaunonline.com /ext.uo .yy.QuickLogin?Login=0000000001&User=standard&MenuItem=ShipmentJobFavoriteDefault&Key=aa34f20190903
This URL will take you directly to the standard printing menu item.
Example 2:
https://www.unifaunonline.com /ext.uo .yy.QuickLogin?Login=0000000001&User=standard&MenuItem=ShipmentJobFavoriteQuickItems&MenuItemParam=3047&Key=aa34f20190903
This URL will take you directly to a specific printing favorite that has 3047 as RowId value.